My neighbor is a passionate man. Foolish at times, but at least he stands by what he believes. I am usually one that will speak my political views if asked, but I try not to argue if I can help it. As Mikey knows, I can get pretty worked up over things too.
With the recent passage of the Health Care Reform Bill, my neighbor has been especially angry and exceptionally more vocal about it. Usually I shrug it off, but there was something different about it recently, and I think I figured it out. My neighbor doesn't know shit. Well, I am sure he has a good idea of what he's talking about, but one night, as he was talking to Mikey about Global Warming, of all subjects, he started quoting facts that I just couldn't believe. So, while he chatted in the kitchen, I sat in the living room with the laptop and started some searches, and some Snoping, and kept finding that a lot of what he was quoting as fact, were in fact, wrong. Again, I have no problem with him believing what he wants to believe and voting the way he does, but I really lost some respect for him when he couldn't get his stuff right.
And then I noticed something worse. The keywords. If you watch The Daily Show like I do, (I will admit it), Jon Stewart has a pretty comical way of breaking news stories down to the keywords, and I'll be damned if my neighbor wasn't using all the words that Fox News uses to scare its viewers. Now, I don't know what he watches on TV, or listens to on the radio, and by all means he has the right to listen all he wants, and whatever he wants, but this to, made me a little more perturbed with the man.
The poor guy had to feel my wrath, not once but twice in the same week, and though its not an excuse, I had been suffering with yet another sinus infection. Mikey and I have since decided to ban political talk with friends. Honestly, I know what I believe in, and I know I am not going to change anyone, if I can have a civil conversation, I'm down. But in most cases, people just get emotional and angry. And, since my main goal for this year is to just be happy, there is no need to go and drag people into conversations that no one will be comfortable in.
Change of subject!
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Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
New Shoes

My Chucks have seen their fair share of life. They have explored new trails and traveled roads near and far. There was even that one day we realized that they weren't the best shoes to wear for an 8 hour shift at a register. And they weren't the best grip at indoor paintball, but we've had a few successful rounds at Stoneycreek. They've been to in
door concerts and outdoor shows, and a multitude of bars across southeastern Michigan. There was even the zombie massacre where I discovered that All-Stars were the official footwear of zombies.

My Chucks will be missed, but there will be many more adventures to be had in my new blue, low-top All-Stars. :)
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